New (Temporary?) Schedule.

“People who are chronically tardy never understand the many ways in which they screw up the schedules of people who are punctual and ‘normal’…” – Lauren Kate.

Today’s post is to inform you all of a slight change to the blog schedule. I have been keeping up with my current schedule of posting roughly six times a week for eight months now. It has lasted a whole lot longer than I expected, I mean it was only supposed to be for two months over the summer, but I’ve enjoyed it so much that I’ve kept up with it. This change isn’t due to me no longer enjoying it, but because I’m feeling stressed.

I have been struggling to balance everything at the moment and as a lot of you will be aware, publishing six blog posts a week is very time consuming and rather hard. Also, no one I know is really aware of my blog so they all assume I have all this time available to do other things which means I can’t exactly say sorry, I have to write a blog post. As a result, I have decided to reduce the amount I post per week. Whether or not this change is permanent, I’m not entirely sure. I think we will just have to see how things go.

I have decided that for March I am going to be posting about three or four times a week. I won’t be publishing book reviews on a Sunday or Thursday, but I will continue to do so on a Monday, so there will still be one review a week. This is because I often find myself cramming in loads of reading over my weekends nowadays and as much as I love it, I put pressure on myself to read because I want to ensure that I’m posting two or three reviews a week.

I will still be doing Tutorial Tuesday every other week. In between that there may be tag posts if I’ve been tagged in anything I want to do, if not I’m not going to fret about not posting. Also, I will be keeping up with my weekly Nail Art Wednesdays posts.

I mentioned that I won’t be writing reviews for Thursdays, but I actually won’t be writing at all (unless I have something I really need to post, haha). Meanwhile, Friday’s will continue to be beauty/favourites days.

I’m sorry to have to reduce the amount of posts (although, maybe some of you are relieved, haha) and I hope you enjoy my upcoming posts, despite there being fewer of them.


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